Today I had another appointment after a week of excitement. We went to Denver to see our friends who were expecting a baby (Avery, a girl) and Jenna was due on Sunday. Instead, she had it last night so we are really excited for them:) Then today, I went in for an appointment and we got to hear the heartbeat again, only this time it was louder, stronger, more pronounced! We have a ultrasound at Care Net on Monday night to hopefully find out the sex of the baby (i'll be 16 weeks next Tuesday). I have my suspicions its a girl but who knows, I could be waaay off, lol. So far I still haven't had any really odd cravings, but I do have specific cravings now. These consist of cheese slices and either apples or nectarine slices. That's the strongest craving of all, and cheesy things in general like grilled cheese, shells and cheese, anything cheese. Fruit, also, which s funny because i'm not usually a big fruit eater. Also anything sweet. I may have stopped at McDonald's (I know, I know, i'm ashamed, too!) for a hot fudge sundae....double fudge....well worth the 1.50 and drive thru stop. In Denver I might have cheated but I had a decaf latte or two....or three the whole week we were there, which was nice, because the Doctor said I could have up to two small cups of regular coffee a day, but I chose not to have any up until a week ago for vacation, even so, I still will only drink decaf and only once in a while. Well, that's it for now, Hopefully we can determine the sex on Monday!!!

Here is a picture further down of a baby at 15 weeks, which is what I am right now :)