Saturday, December 24, 2011


I want to shout with joy! In fact, I have been all morning. I'm listening to a Christmas song being played on the cello on public radio, it's Christmas Eve, and we have a baby on the way!

This past week, I've been able to feel him move more and more. It's almost like a dream when I feel him wiggle. That's my boy! I thank God for him already!

I think that's all I have to write about for now. It's Christmas Eve! I'm going to enjoy my day.

Luke "no middle name" Dominguez

Hello and Merry Christmas!  Just a quick update on our baby, Luke no middle name Dominguez.  Any suggestions for a middle name?  That has been the hardest part!!!  Well, he is getting bigger and I now have an official "baby bump".  He is also a kicker.  He kicks a lot and is really active.  This morning I am pretty sure I felt an elbow.  It was crazy because it was right there just kind of sticking out and I could feel it really defined.  He also has a pattern, now.  He likes to move a lot first thing in the morning and then after I eat, and again around 7 in the evening.  We have another appointment coming up on January 9th, with another ultrasound, so hopefully we can get some good pictures.  Sleeping is becoming more of a challenge because he likes to move a lot, forcing me to move around a lot to get comfortable, luckily for me, I sleep on my side normally so I haven't had to drastically change anything too much.  Even Lorenzo has gotten to feel him kick.  It feels like he's doing summer salts in there :)  Still no crazy cravings, just things like apples, still, and pizza.  Lately its been Dion's pizza.  We have been going to a small group, too and two of the couples there announced they are pregnant and due in July about a week apart from each other which is really exciting to have people our age to share it with. Lots going on.  Anyways just a quick update, will write more after the appointment in January!